Preview - Netlogo Investigations In Electromagnetism (Niels)

Averaging Data

Now you will look at what happens to the average current after a long period of time. You will see that an average current counter has been added to the model in the lower right corner. 

1) Set the VOLTAGE slider to 1 and the WIRE-WIDTH drop down menu to 1. 

2) Click SETUP then GO. 

3) When your model has gone for at least 600 ticks, hit GO again to stop your model. Take note of the AVERAGE CURRENT

Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

Try running the model with different wire widths.

First, run FOUR trials of the model with a voltage difference of 1, wire width of 1, and measure the current after 100 ticks (it's okay if you can't get it exactly at 100 ticks!). Once the ticks counter has gotten to your desired time for a trial, hit GO again to stop the model. Then run FOUR trials of the model with a voltage difference of 1, wire width of 2, and measure the current after 100 ticks. 

Input the data collected in the table below. Use the green plus in the upper right corner to add more rows to the table so that you can collect data for all 8 of your trials.

What is the average current you found by aggregating data with your class?


Please answer the questions below.

Which is closer to the model's average current that you found on this page—the current found in an individual trial that you ran on your own on Page 4 or the average current you found as a class after you finished Page 4? Why do you think this is the case?

Please wait for teacher instruction 

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.